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chocolate brownie artinya

contoh kalimat "chocolate brownie"
  • Could I have a chocolate brownie, please?
    bisa aku minta brownies coklat, tolong?
  • Chocolate Brownie Post-Workout Smoothie for Weight Loss
    Chocolate Brownie Post-Workout Smoothie untuk Berat Badan
  • Learn how to cook juicy and easy chocolate brownies. A cake of chocolate brownie step by step
    Belajar bagaimana memasak juicy dan mudah coklat brownies. Una torta de brownies coklat paso a paso
  • Learn how to cook juicy and easy chocolate brownies. A cake of chocolate brownie step by step
    Belajar bagaimana memasak juicy dan mudah coklat brownies. Una torta de brownies coklat paso a paso
  • Live your relax day by watching your favorite movie and a mug of chewy dark chocolate brownies. Easy…
    Nikmati hari santai kamu dengan menonton film favorit dan segelas brownies cokelat yang lezat. Kamu…
  • Black Forest Gateau, Bourbon Biscuit, Chocolate Brownie, Truffles, Easter Eggs, Millionaire's Shortbread and many more! 50 mouth-watering photos of chocolate in all its many forms teach you to recognize 50 popular cakes, biscuits, drinks and sweets. Facts too!
    Black Forest Gateau, Bourbon Biscuit, Chocolate Brownie, Truffles, Telur Paskah, Shortbread Millionaire dan banyak lagi! 50 lezat Foto cokelat dalam segala berbagai bentuk mengajarkan Anda untuk mengenali 50 kue populer, biskuit, minuman dan permen. Fakta juga!
  • Chef Mathias was creative in Coconut Bounty inspired by the unique taste of coconut is mostly found in several countries in Asia, such as Indonesia. Six of its constituent elements is Chocolate Brownies (Base), Crunchy Feuilletine, chocolate element, Coconut Sponge, Coconut Mousse, dan Chocolate Garnish.
    Chef Mathias pun berkreasi pada Coconut Bounty yang terinspirasi dari keunikan rasa kelapa yang banyak ditemui di beberapa negara di Asia, seperti Indonesia. Enam elemen pembentuknya adalah Chocolate Brownies (Base), Crunchy Feuilletine, Chocolate elemen, Coconut Sponge, Coconut Mousse, dan Chocolate Garnish.